近日,省部共建国重室邹炳锁团队在有机-无机杂化金属氯化物宽带近红外发射和多重光致发光切换领域有所突破。相关研究成果以“Realizing efficient broadband near-infrared emission and multimode photoluminescence switching via coordination structure modulation in Sb3+doped 0D organic metal chlorides”为题发表在《Materials Horizons》。该论文的第一作者为我院硕士研究生于水悦,通讯作者为我室邹炳锁教授、彭辉副教授。

为了实现零维杂化金属卤化物的红外或近红外发射,我室邹炳锁团队提出了配位结构调控的策略。将Sb3+掺杂进四面体结构的(C20H20P)2XCl4(X为Mn、Cd、Zn)中,使Sb3 +离子的配位结构可以从[SbCl5]2-的方锥结构转变为[SbCl4]-团簇,这将使激发态的晶格畸变程度比基态的更大,导致了相较于(C20H20P)2SbCl5来说更大的Stokes位移。从而实现了零维杂化金属卤化物的近红外发射。此外,我们还发现(C20H20P)2MnCl4: Sb3+显示出可协调发光的特性,进一步将该化合物应用于多重荧光防伪和信息加密。

NIR pc-LEDs. a) EL spectrum of(C20H20P)2MnCl4: 25% Sb3+under 20 mA drive current. The inset shows the optical image of as-fabricated NIR pc-LEDs taken by a visible camera (top) and a NIR (bottom) camera, respectively. b) Driven current-dependent EL spectra of the NIR pc-LED. c) Photoelectric conversion efficiency and output optical power under various drive currents of the as-fabricated device. d) Photographs of fruit under natural light (left), NIR pc-LED is turned off (middle) and turned on (right) captured by visible camera and NIR camera, respectively.

Multiple fluorescence anti-counterfeiting.a) Fluorescent anti-counterfeiting pattern made of(C20H20P)2MnCl4: 25% Sb3+. b) Fluorescent anti-counterfeiting pattern made of (C20H20P)2MnCl4: 25%Sb3+(top) and (C20H20P)2MnCl4(bottom). c) Information encryption matrix made of (C20H20P)2MnCl4: 25%Sb3+(painted on diagonal line) and (C20H20P)2MnCl4(painted on off-diagonal line).